Sunday, May 8, 2011

Adam~21 months already

Counting days for Adam turning to 2 years....bulan ni adam dah genap 1 tahun 9 bulan. so x lama lg dah nak masuk 2 tahun.

From Babycenter:

When your child was a baby, she decided when she would eat, sleep and play. And though it may seem ironic, now that she's older and more independent, it's time for you to take charge of her daily schedule. Toddlers thrive on routine; establishing a set time for eating, getting dressed and going to bed can help yours feel more secure and in control. It will also make your life easier! She'll come to enjoy daily routines if you inject some fun into them. Let her help make lunch every day at noon, for instance, or choose a story to read before her afternoon nap.

Helps around the house

Your 21-month-old is probably interested in rearranging furniture, assisting with housework, as well as using her own play shelves, table and chairs. She might also be able to put on her clothing, wash and dry her hands, or brush her teeth with help.

Is she ready for toilet training?

Some time after her 18th month and probably before her second birthday, your toddler will be able to recognise when she is going to urinate or have a bowel movement. You'll also notice signs that your child is about to eliminate -- she might crouch down, move away or turn red. But even after she realises what's happening, she isn't necessarily ready to use her potty. To see if your child is ready for toilet-training, check out our signs of toilet training readiness.

Wants to do it her way

Along with tantrums and exploration, you can expect your child to want things done her way. This is a sign that she is growing up and feels secure enough to want to manage for herself. Respect your toddler's preferences and interests, and try to give in on the little things, like whether she wants jam or kaya on toast or which baju or blanket to use. Make it clear that some things -- like behaviour that affects safety -- are not up for negotiation.

Make and keep routines

Some famililes find that establishing -- and sticking to -- set times for eating and going to bed can help some toddlers feel secure and in control. Routines can also make your life easier. If your child knows what to expect every day, you'll probably encounter less resistance. A regular way of doing things can also mean that you don't have to take time to plan each day separately.

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