Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Counting days..tik..tok..tik..tok

Officially, smlm dah tender from current company. so babai..Affiliated computers services and welcome Iperintis. Wish me all the best ye kawan2..takut gak sebenarnye nak gi company baru ni. almaklom la..almost 6 years dah bertapak kat ACS-Inc ni. dah selesa sgt. very flexible, boleh work from everywhere bukan saje from home..from starbuck or kopitiam pon boleh..hahaha. And nak berubah aingin pulak, no more wfh and kena work from office everyday..ada time in and out..masuk ofis kul 8am and balik 5pm. wah..mcm mana la gayanye sy kan nak berkejaran mengejar waktu nanti. dgn nak uruskan anak2 lagi. mesti awal2 nanti kelam kabut jdnye. Ya Allah permudahkan la segala urusan kerja2 ku... amin.

So skrang ni counting days..dah bg 1 month notice..effective 1st Mac. then kena habiskan annual leave lg 11 tambah tolak..14th Mac la last date sy keje disini..kena kemas2 workstation..bwk blk sume brg2 dlm drawer..nak kena copy all the stuff yg ada dlm laptop ni. byk gak keje nak kena buat dgn pantas ni.hehhehe.

