this pic is last taken by my pinky camera..and mlm kejadian trus blank~~~
"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. I love my family very much till the end of my life!”
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Miss d pinky sony camera!
So SAD :(' more pic will be taken from my cuttie pinky camera. this becoz my camera dah crash..uwaaaaaaaa. ni sume gara-gara mlm masa visit I-city on last sunday. lepas my husband take our pic..adam menangis nak camera tu..then ntah mcm mana..terlepas dr tgn abg and jatuh..aku cuba gak nak sambut(hehe,..biasa la pompuan x cekap..action je lebey..)--dush..jatuh. erk. mcm nak nangis je masa tu sbb check2 screen dah blank and x nampak ape2 dah. so tamat la riwayatnye. uwaaaaaa.. tp nasib baik memory card still boleh baca. so boleh la transfer picture2 ke dlm laptop. tp untill today still xleh lupa and rasa sedey sgt, sbb camera tu byk berjasa..even dah pakai almost 4 years but still dlm condition tip top..cantik je lg. tp skali jatuh trus x leh guna dah..uwaaaaaaaaa. tp best thing abg janji nak ganti dgn yg baru..wakkaka..yes. dpt camera baru. and mlm td abg suggest nak belikan camera yg mcm photographer tu(dslr sony camera) i refuse..xmo ar..bukan pandai guna pon and i x minat..wakakka..nak yg comey lote and bolwh masuk dlm handbag and bwk gi jln2. so boleh take pic anywhere and everywhere. hopefully dpt pengganti pinky camera secepat mungkin utk mengubati jiwa lara ku ini..sob, sob...hehe :)
this pic is last taken by my pinky camera..and mlm kejadian trus blank~~~

this pic is last taken by my pinky camera..and mlm kejadian trus blank~~~
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