"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. I love my family very much till the end of my life!”
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy 4th Anniversary myr dear!
22 Nov - Syukur alhamdullilah, genap 4 tahun usia perkahwinan kami :) dan dikurniakan 2 kids..Adam and Damia. Happy anniversary my dear hubby. disebab kan kami terlalu la bz sekrang dan ala2 kelam kabut skit skrang ni. so no planning for celebration. in the 1st place igt nak stay overnight kat genting highland sempena ulang tahun perkahwinan tahun ni. tp x sempat la this week. maybe postpone next week or some day yg x bz.
lastly some wishes for my beloved husband..the one and only :)
Another year to create
precious memories together.
Another year to discover
new things to enjoy abt each other.
Another year to strengthen
a marriage that defines forever.
Hoping that the love you shared 4 years ago are still as strong today as it was then bringing you much joy love and happiness to celebrate again.
Happy Anniversary my love!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
My baby gurl 1st birthday...Happy Birthday Nur Damia Delisha.
5 October 2012 - Last year on this date at 10.06am...i had deliver a cute baby gurl name Nur Damia Delisha..and she is turn 1 today. Ibu, abah and abg Adam is very happy to have u in the family. May Allah bless u and grow up to be a solehah gurl.
So, tommorrow we decide to have a smal birthday celebration for mia darling...and the theme is 'HELLO KITTY' hehe. cute kan..sesuai ngan mia yg kiut miut...hahahaha
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Taraaaaaaaa..duit tabung 50sen adam dah penuh..
Sempena nak raya...boleh leh masukkan dlm bank..duit tabung 50 sen adam dah penuh.tabung ni kitorg masukan hanya duit 50sen je.
then..duit tabung yg atok adam bg pon dah penuh..ehehe(p/s: tabung yg wan bg ni..dgn duit dia pon wan bg..hehehe, setiap kali blk penang..sebungkus duit syiling wan bekal kat adam, sampai adik mia pon dah pandai rebut duit syiling nak masuk gak dlm tabung..hehe)
jom teka..hehe sbb ibu lom ada masa nak kira. igt nak trus bwk bank je, malas nak kira nanti both adamia ni kacau..hehe :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Damia turns to 10 month years old
Lama nye x cerita tentang anak gegirl kiut miut ibu sorg ni..dah 10 bulan umurnye. sangat bijak dan cepat matang. skrang ni tgh bertatih utk berjalan, sgt berani melepaskan tangan utk berlari..ibu n abah yg takut..huhu..ayat abah "mia..mia..mia tu girl..slow2 sayang" hahaha. mia ni nampak lebih berani compare ngan abgnye. maybe lumrah la tu anak 2nd akan lebih berani compare ngan anak 1st kan. cuma nye..gigi mia segan2 nak kuar..huhu. akar dah nampak putih je gusi, tp x nampak pon batang idung gigi anak ibu ni..gigi oo gigi mia bila nak kuar ye. ibu dah x sabar nak tgk gigi kiut anak ibu ni. satu lg..merangkak, skill ni mia x minat langsung, klu dia dlm keadaan meniarap and dah angkat bontot..pasti dia nangis suh dudukan dia. dia xmo langsung merangkak..so rasanye skill ni skip la kot dr perkembangan mia. hehehe. bak kata nanny dia "xpe mia sayang, xyah merangkak nanti lutut buruk" huhu..nanny lak bg support.
ni pic latest anak ibu yg cute ni :)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Happy 3rd birthday my darling Adam Hafiey!
5 August 2012..genap umur adam ke-3 thn. moga menjadi anak yg solehah dan berjaya dlm hidup didunia dan akhirat ~ amin. sempena birthday adam yg ketiga ni..ibu telah berjaya membuat cake cars..utk anak kesayangan ibu ni...taraaaaaaaaa...ni la dia:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Happy Birthday to me..huhu
31st July - alhamdullilah bertambah lg satu thn umurku. xde ape yg menarik..cuma nye mlm tu ada surprise birthday cake from Mr hubby. and paling best is 1st time birthday song dinyanyikan oleh my son adam hafiey. tp lupa lak nak rakam...huhu, cute sgt--happy besday ibu..eppy besday for ibu..eppy besday to ibuuu"
ni je la hadiah paling best utk thn ni :). hope thn depan dgr mia lak nyanyi tuk ibu ye sayang...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Damia ~ 7 months
Dah boleh bergolek2 dari ruang tamu ke bilik abg adam..hehe
Dah boleh duduk and on d way utk merangkak
Dah boleh makan solid food yg dibuat sendiri..since sume product yg ada tenusu binatang damia elecgic.
xmo kat org lain klu nampak ibu dia..hhuhu..jenuh ibu mcm ni.
sempena damia 7 bulan ni..ibu and abah bwk mia jalan2 naik erl ok..heheh.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Damia ~ 6 months old
My lil princess dah 6 months...and dgn ini secara rasminye i dpt diploma in breastfeed. :)
perkembangan mia sekrang, butir2 perkataan dah clear..sebutan pertamanye ialah "aaabaah" and skrang mcm2 dah kuar dari mulut nye. dah mula kenal org. so klu org yg baru dia tgk nak dekat or dukung jgn harap la..dia akan jerit sekuat2nye mcm nampak hantu laks..hahaha. mia..mia.. and most pening kepala ibu is..pantang tgk kelibat ibu dia akan nangis suh ibu dukung or duduk dekat dia. and klu dia baring dia akan suh org dukung dia..xmo dok bawah. mcm2 la mia ni.
perkembangan mia sekrang, butir2 perkataan dah clear..sebutan pertamanye ialah "aaabaah" and skrang mcm2 dah kuar dari mulut nye. dah mula kenal org. so klu org yg baru dia tgk nak dekat or dukung jgn harap la..dia akan jerit sekuat2nye mcm nampak hantu laks..hahaha. mia..mia.. and most pening kepala ibu is..pantang tgk kelibat ibu dia akan nangis suh ibu dukung or duduk dekat dia. and klu dia baring dia akan suh org dukung dia..xmo dok bawah. mcm2 la mia ni.
Kembali bersiaran setelah hampir sebulan menyepi. hehe..sepanjang sebulan inilah macam2 perkara berlaku. ada duka ada gembira. lepas je handover everything milik office lama, sy pon start la habiskan cuti2 yg ada. planning awalnye nak bercuti ke penang then ke cameron and mcm2 lg. tp ada yg x kesampaian. start je cuti kami pon blk penang. sempat la buat cukur botakkan kepala my cute girl damia and sekali gus sunat kan dia gaks. then blk semula ke kl. dok 2-3 hari, tetiba dua2 anakku di serang batuk selsema..dan berlarutan hingga demam. sampai adam terpaksa masuk hospital sbb paru2 dia ada infection. damia pulak demam x kebah2. sungguh risau ibu di buatnye. nasib baik ibu still dlm cuti, so dpt la tumpukan kat anak ibu, bertungkus lumus ibu nak sehatkan anak2 sebelum start keje baru. alhamdullilah doa ibu di makbulkan, anak2 beransur pulih dan ibu pon masuk office baru dgn aman. cuma dua2 anak ibu terpaksa di jaga oleh nanny nye. blom boleh ke taska sbb xmo dijangkiti lg. maklom la baru nak recover sepenuhnye. so dah seminggu ibu di office baru, still dlm keadaan kelam kabut sbb blom biasa lg dgn rutin baru ni. bgn pagi kul 5, then siap2kan brg anak2..mandi solat sume, kul 6.30 dah kuar gi office. kena kuar awal since kl kan slalu jem. and office plak start kul 8am sampai 5pm. hopefully cepat la sy adapt dgn keadaan ni. dlm seminggu ni memang la penat tp seronok sbb dpt kenal member2 baru..and environment yg totally different :). and yg paling best kat office ni ada mothers room. so boleh la sy mem pumping dgn releks nye. ramai yg geng2 kan join room ni rupanye kat cni, so bertambah semangat la sy nak membuat stok :). hopefully dpt la menyusukan damia sampai 2 thn. ari tu dah rasa give up sgt sbb setiap kali pump x kuar setitik pon susu..rupa2 nye breastpump tu yg rosak. then gi service baru ok seb baik still under waranty. now kembali seperti biasa..berjasa padaku dan baby :). memula ari tu dah nak bg damia susu formula, memula try frisolac..dia minum and muntah blk. then tukar enfalac, dia minum and muntah plus kuar ruam2 besar sekitar leher, muka and pelipat2. tetiba je kuar dgn drastic nye. trus bwk mia gi klnik and doc kata mia elecgic protien haiwan. so doc suggest bg susu soya isomil. but blk tu lepas pikir panjang, sy berazam nak buat stok byk2 tuk mia. x sanggup rasanye nak paksa dia minum susu lain selain susu ibu. takpe la ibu akan berkorban utk mia..walaupun memang perit kena sacrify masa and tenaga..hehehe.And tanggal 5 april ari tu..genapla umur mia 6 bulan and sudah 6 bulan juga la mia dpt minum susu ibu secara exclusive..alhamdullilah, terima kasih Allah dgn izinmu dah rezeki yg ko berikan dpt aku menyusukan anakku sebaiknye. "so dah leh dpt diploma in breastfeed kan..yea..berjaya" seronok dan puas sgt :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Time to say goodbye~Farewell
Good bye my colleague ..jumpa lg di company lain. Thanks so much for your kindness.
After 6 years of exciting and memorable with ACS, I am bidding adieu today to this company to pursue other career opportunities. As I move on, I would like to take a moment to remember and cherish our times together. It’s been great interacting and knowing each one of you. Even though I will miss you all here I am looking forward to this new challenge and to start a new phase of my career. Do stay in touch.
Good luck and wish you all the best in your endeavors!
Thanks also for the farewell and cute gift. i'm very appreciate it!...thanks jugak sbb blanja i makan barbeque ribs steak kat tony's romas yg sgt sedap ni..huhuhuu

and give me some gift..bak kata yaya "jam ni leh pakai tuk kejut atie bgn pagi sbb pasni kena bgn awal pg and gi office tetiap hari"..hahaha

Thanks guys! love u all..
After 6 years of exciting and memorable with ACS, I am bidding adieu today to this company to pursue other career opportunities. As I move on, I would like to take a moment to remember and cherish our times together. It’s been great interacting and knowing each one of you. Even though I will miss you all here I am looking forward to this new challenge and to start a new phase of my career. Do stay in touch.
Good luck and wish you all the best in your endeavors!
Thanks also for the farewell and cute gift. i'm very appreciate it!...thanks jugak sbb blanja i makan barbeque ribs steak kat tony's romas yg sgt sedap ni..huhuhuu

and give me some gift..bak kata yaya "jam ni leh pakai tuk kejut atie bgn pagi sbb pasni kena bgn awal pg and gi office tetiap hari"..hahaha
Thanks guys! love u all..
Last day working..
today is my last day working at acs-inc. tp still blum dpt gi ofis. and hari ni patutnye hantar laptop ang all the stuff..but damia pulak demam. maybe sbb cucuk mlm td. so skrang tgh tunggu husband blk..dah suruh dia amik cuti half day td...huhu sedey..bye acs. lepas ni cuti 2 minggu. then start tempat baru. hope semua berjalan lancar and hope tempat baru lg baik dr sekarang...
ni la gambar budak demam pagi ni.
gambar taken before gi cucuk 5 bulan:

gambar taken pagi ni lepas kena cucuk mlm td and demam plak:
ni la gambar budak demam pagi ni.
gambar taken before gi cucuk 5 bulan:
gambar taken pagi ni lepas kena cucuk mlm td and demam plak:
I miss u!
Missing my adam again. iskk..cepat la hari esok. esok baru nak blk penang and dpt jumpa adam. smlm call nampak dia happy sgt. tp mlm td call..dah mcm nak nangis hehe.."nak ibu..". sabar ye sayang besok ibu blk penang. ni ada video acha adam kirim..iskk..buat ibu lg rindu kat adam je..
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Kerisauan kerana production susu sgt merundum. smlm pum cuma dpt 1 oz je. kenapa ek? why..why. ari ni nak try pum lg. tp lately ni baby damia kerap sgt menyusu, adakah sbb baby x puas menyusu dlm satu masa..aduhai. camne la ibu nak masuk ofis baru nanti ni. stok susu xde. tgk pikir2 nak start bg FM..tp ..sy noooooooooooooo. try the best la insyaallah ada rezeki utk anak ku. :)
Mari mengenal nama ahli keluarga
Hehe..skrang adam dah pandai sebut nama-nama ahli keluarga terdekatnye...
Yeay my girl dah boleh meniarap~5m 2weeks
Alhamdullilah, smlm damia dah boleh meniarap sendiri. walaupun agak lewat nak meniarap..tp ibu tetap berbangga sayang..hehe. kisahnye mcm ni, tetiba dgr dia menangis..ape lg jerit la kat abg adam, "abg..jgn usik adik". then nangis x benti pon, tp nangis2 manja je. aku pon kuar and tgk damia tgh meniarap and dia dah penat sambil sembam kepala kat bantal...hehe. patut la. terkejut ibu tetiba tgk damia meniarap. tp x sempat ibu nak snap gambar sbb kelam kabut mententeram kan dia yg sedang menangis. ni ada video gambar damia meniarap di atas katil..
Monday, March 5, 2012
Damia ~ 5 months old
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Counting days..tik..tok..tik..tok
Officially, smlm dah tender from current company. so babai..Affiliated computers services and welcome Iperintis. Wish me all the best ye kawan2..takut gak sebenarnye nak gi company baru ni. almaklom la..almost 6 years dah bertapak kat ACS-Inc ni. dah selesa sgt. very flexible, boleh work from everywhere bukan saje from home..from starbuck or kopitiam pon boleh..hahaha. And nak berubah aingin pulak, no more wfh and kena work from office everyday..ada time in and out..masuk ofis kul 8am and balik 5pm. wah..mcm mana la gayanye sy kan nak berkejaran mengejar waktu nanti. dgn nak uruskan anak2 lagi. mesti awal2 nanti kelam kabut jdnye. Ya Allah permudahkan la segala urusan kerja2 ku... amin.
So skrang ni counting days..dah bg 1 month notice..effective 1st Mac. then kena habiskan annual leave lg 11 hari..so tambah tolak..14th Mac la last date sy keje disini..kena kemas2 workstation..bwk blk sume brg2 dlm drawer..nak kena copy all the stuff yg ada dlm laptop ni. byk gak keje nak kena buat dgn pantas ni.hehhehe.

So skrang ni counting days..dah bg 1 month notice..effective 1st Mac. then kena habiskan annual leave lg 11 hari..so tambah tolak..14th Mac la last date sy keje disini..kena kemas2 workstation..bwk blk sume brg2 dlm drawer..nak kena copy all the stuff yg ada dlm laptop ni. byk gak keje nak kena buat dgn pantas ni.hehhehe.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Perkataan ini la yg sedang bermain2 di fikiran ku..aduhai. begini la rasanye kerinduan terhadap anak. Ceritanye, sbb adam ikut ayah dia gi outstation ke penang. dari rabu sampai jumaat. so tgl la ibu and damia je kat umah. rasa sunyi sangat tanpa suara adam yg nak itu ini..hehe. (klu adam ada kat umah ibu pening and selalu sgt suh adam ke school.) tp ni dah seharian 2 harian..rasaq rindu la nak peluk adam. slalu bangun tido pepagi adam akan dtg kat ibu and ckp "Ibu nak dukung" huhu...maksud dukung oleh adam is peluk dia and tido atas riba ibu...
Takpe la..besok abg adam akan blk cni. rasanye x sanggup dah nak berpisah..no more blk penang sorg2 without ibu ye sayang..hehhe.Ibu rindu dgn suara abg adam..keletah dia..terloncat2 dia..huhuhu
Takpe la..besok abg adam akan blk cni. rasanye x sanggup dah nak berpisah..no more blk penang sorg2 without ibu ye sayang..hehhe.Ibu rindu dgn suara abg adam..keletah dia..terloncat2 dia..huhuhu
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
saje je tepek kan sume2 info ni. utk bacaan ku di masa lapang. :)
EBM - Penyimpanan dan Pengendalian Perahan susu IbuBagi ibu yang berkerjaya, Susu ibu boleh diperah dan disimpan untuk diberikan pada bayi. TAHUKAH ANDA Susu ibu mengandungi sel hidup? Sebab itu, susu ibu yang diperah perlu disimpan dengan kaedah yang betul untuk memastikan kandungan nutriennya terpelihara dan tidak musnah. Susu ibu sebenarnya mempunyai bahan anti-bakteria yang membolehkannya kekal segar dan tahan lama. ISTILAH- ISTILAH PENTING SUSU IBU YANG DIPERAH * EBM = Expressed Breast Milk* Fresh EBM = Susu yg baru diperah* Chilled EBM = Susu yg dah perah, disejukkan bhgn sejuk (bukan beku). chilled EBM akan membentuk dua lapisan, ia bukan basi* Frozen EBM = Susu yg simpan dlm tempat beku BEKAS PENYIMPANAN YANG SESUAI * bekas plastik atau botol susu bebas BPA (Bisphenol-A)* bekas kaca atau bekas plastik berbucu keras (seperti Tupperware)* breast milk storage liners yang memang dikhususkan untuk menyimpan perahan susu ibu* Bekas dadih - Ianya boleh digunakan sehingga 3 kali sebelum dibuang. Pastikan setiap bekas penyimpanan telah dibersihkan, disteril dan dikeringkan dengan sempurna sebelum digunakan. Nak tau di mana boleh dapat bekas penyimpanan ni boleh terjah ke blog DUNIA SUSU IBU. Sana banyak info diberikan. Apabila susu telah disimpan di dlm bekas, pastikan setiap bekas ditandakan dgn lebel. * Tarikh Perahan (Guna susu yang terdahulu)* Waktu perahan (Guna susu yang terdahulu)* Kuantiti susu yang diperah* Nama Bayi (untuk mengelakkan tertukarnya perahan susu ibu tadi jika ramai bayi di taska/ pusat jagaan harian) Simpan susu dalam kuantiti mencukupi untuk 1 kali penyusuan untuk 1 bekas, contohnya 2 – 4 oz sahaja setiap bekas untuk mengelakkan pembaziran. TEMPAT PENYIMPANAN SUHU BILIK? * Jika bilik tidak ber-AC (aircond) (25 oC - 37 oC), disarankan tidak lebih dr 4 jam* Jika bilik ber-AC (15 oC - 25 oC), boleh sampai 6-8 jam catatan: suhu di atas harus stabil, cth bilik ber-AC, tidak dioffkan spjg botol ASI ada di dalam bilik tersebut.
FRIDGE/FREEZER?Peti Sejuk (1 pintu) - bahagian beku - 2 mingguPeti Sejuk (2 pintu)- bahagian beku (-20 °C) - 3 bulan - pintu bawah(rak paling atas) (2 °C- 4 °C) (sebelum dibekukan) - 3-5 hari (hari yg ke 5, masukkn terus ke bahagian beku)(selepas dibekukan>>chiller) - 24 jamDeep freezer, tahan antara 6 bulanJika ibu menyimpan susu di dalam tempat pembeku yang mempunyai suhu sehingga -1 darjah celcius, susu boleh tahan selama 1 tahun BEKAS PENYEJUK?cooler bag/box (0-4 °C), tahan sehingga 12-24 jam PERINGATAN:* susu yang dah dicairkan tidak boleh dibekukan semula* susu yang dipanaskan tidak boleh disimpan sejuk semula TIP DAN CARA PENYIMPANAN Di Pejabat * Simpan susu yg telah diperah di bahagian bawah peti sejuk dan bukan di bhgn beku. Ini bertujuan memelihara kehilangan antibodi akibat pembekuan (susu ibu yg dibekukan masih jauh lebih baik daripada susu formula kerana susu ibu mengandungi antibodi)* Jika tiada peti sejuk, simpan di dalam cooler bag yang diletakkan bersama pek ais Di RumahSimpan sebanyak yg boleh dibahagian bawah peti sejuk dan sedikit shj dibhgn beku. * Susu yg disimpan dibhgn bawah akan dibekalkan kepada bayi untuk bekalan hari esok.* Susu yg disimpan dibhgn beku adalah untuk dijadikan stok beku perahan susu ibu. Contohnya: Katakan anak anda 1 hari minum 4 botol susu perahan. Jika satu hari kita berjaya mengumpul 4 botol susu perahan semasa bekerja. Bila pulang ke rumah, simpan 3 botol susu perahan baru di bahagian bawah peti sejuk untuk kegunaan esok hari dan 1 botol lagi ke dalam bahagian beku. Sebagai ganti, keluarkan 1 botol EBM yang bertarikh paling lama dari bahagian beku ke bahagian bawah peti sejuk untuk dicairkan untuk kegunaan esok hari. JANGAN BUAT!! JANGAN BUAT!! * Jangan simpan susu perahan di bahagian pintu peti sejuk kerana suhu di bahagian pintu tidak stabil (kerana kekerapan membuka dan menutup pintu peti sejuk). sebaiknya simpan susu perahan di bahagian paling atas dan paling dalam kerana suhunya lebih stabil.* Jangan penuhkan bekas sehingga ke penutupnya, tinggalkan sedikit ruang untuk membolehkan pengembangan berlaku apabila susu dibekukan
Teknik betul beri SIP(susuibu perahan) oleh pengasuhOleh Masmarissa Ciut · Terakhir di sunting hampir sebulan yang lalu · Edit Doc · PadamSusu ibu adalah makanan bagi bayi dan kerjasama pengasuh amat diperlukan sepanjang 2 tahun tempoh penyusuan.Panduan ini perlu kita berikan kepada pengasuh diharap sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu mengendalikan penyusuan bayi dgn baik. 1.Elakkan memberikan SIP ketika bayi menangis.bayi mungkin hanya memerlukan perhatian pengasuhnya.2.Lihat tanda-tanda bayi mahukan susu seperti kelihatan resah dan mula menghisap jarinya.Berikannya SIP berdasarkan tanda-tanda tersebut dan bukannya mengikut jadual.3.Berikan bayi minum secara menegak dan kepalanya diampu menggunakan tangan dan bukannya lengan.4.Gunakan puting botol susu bersaiz kecil.5.Jangan tolak puting ke dalam mulut bayi tetapi biarkan bayi memasukkannya sendiri ke dlm mulutnya.6.Biarkan bayi berhenti minum dan rehat pada setiap penyusuan. Ini boleh mengelakkan bayi minum terlalu laju.7.Bayi yg akan menentukan bila dia patut berhenti minom. Jangan paksa dia habiskan kesemua SIP yang ada dlm botol.8.Jika bayi kelihatan gelisah,minta pengasuh berikannya sesudu kecil SIP yg ada didlm botol.9.Pada waktu-waktu peralihan bulan (growth spurt) seperti usia bayi 3 bulan dan 6 bulan,lbh byk SIP diperlukan bagi membantu pengasuh mengawal keadaan bayi yg mungkin kerap meragam. Sumber Majalah PA&MA
My breastfeeding journey
EBM - Penyimpanan dan Pengendalian Perahan susu IbuBagi ibu yang berkerjaya, Susu ibu boleh diperah dan disimpan untuk diberikan pada bayi. TAHUKAH ANDA Susu ibu mengandungi sel hidup? Sebab itu, susu ibu yang diperah perlu disimpan dengan kaedah yang betul untuk memastikan kandungan nutriennya terpelihara dan tidak musnah. Susu ibu sebenarnya mempunyai bahan anti-bakteria yang membolehkannya kekal segar dan tahan lama. ISTILAH- ISTILAH PENTING SUSU IBU YANG DIPERAH * EBM = Expressed Breast Milk* Fresh EBM = Susu yg baru diperah* Chilled EBM = Susu yg dah perah, disejukkan bhgn sejuk (bukan beku). chilled EBM akan membentuk dua lapisan, ia bukan basi* Frozen EBM = Susu yg simpan dlm tempat beku BEKAS PENYIMPANAN YANG SESUAI * bekas plastik atau botol susu bebas BPA (Bisphenol-A)* bekas kaca atau bekas plastik berbucu keras (seperti Tupperware)* breast milk storage liners yang memang dikhususkan untuk menyimpan perahan susu ibu* Bekas dadih - Ianya boleh digunakan sehingga 3 kali sebelum dibuang. Pastikan setiap bekas penyimpanan telah dibersihkan, disteril dan dikeringkan dengan sempurna sebelum digunakan. Nak tau di mana boleh dapat bekas penyimpanan ni boleh terjah ke blog DUNIA SUSU IBU. Sana banyak info diberikan. Apabila susu telah disimpan di dlm bekas, pastikan setiap bekas ditandakan dgn lebel. * Tarikh Perahan (Guna susu yang terdahulu)* Waktu perahan (Guna susu yang terdahulu)* Kuantiti susu yang diperah* Nama Bayi (untuk mengelakkan tertukarnya perahan susu ibu tadi jika ramai bayi di taska/ pusat jagaan harian) Simpan susu dalam kuantiti mencukupi untuk 1 kali penyusuan untuk 1 bekas, contohnya 2 – 4 oz sahaja setiap bekas untuk mengelakkan pembaziran. TEMPAT PENYIMPANAN SUHU BILIK? * Jika bilik tidak ber-AC (aircond) (25 oC - 37 oC), disarankan tidak lebih dr 4 jam* Jika bilik ber-AC (15 oC - 25 oC), boleh sampai 6-8 jam catatan: suhu di atas harus stabil, cth bilik ber-AC, tidak dioffkan spjg botol ASI ada di dalam bilik tersebut.
FRIDGE/FREEZER?Peti Sejuk (1 pintu) - bahagian beku - 2 mingguPeti Sejuk (2 pintu)- bahagian beku (-20 °C) - 3 bulan - pintu bawah(rak paling atas) (2 °C- 4 °C) (sebelum dibekukan) - 3-5 hari (hari yg ke 5, masukkn terus ke bahagian beku)(selepas dibekukan>>chiller) - 24 jamDeep freezer, tahan antara 6 bulanJika ibu menyimpan susu di dalam tempat pembeku yang mempunyai suhu sehingga -1 darjah celcius, susu boleh tahan selama 1 tahun BEKAS PENYEJUK?cooler bag/box (0-4 °C), tahan sehingga 12-24 jam PERINGATAN:* susu yang dah dicairkan tidak boleh dibekukan semula* susu yang dipanaskan tidak boleh disimpan sejuk semula TIP DAN CARA PENYIMPANAN Di Pejabat * Simpan susu yg telah diperah di bahagian bawah peti sejuk dan bukan di bhgn beku. Ini bertujuan memelihara kehilangan antibodi akibat pembekuan (susu ibu yg dibekukan masih jauh lebih baik daripada susu formula kerana susu ibu mengandungi antibodi)* Jika tiada peti sejuk, simpan di dalam cooler bag yang diletakkan bersama pek ais Di RumahSimpan sebanyak yg boleh dibahagian bawah peti sejuk dan sedikit shj dibhgn beku. * Susu yg disimpan dibhgn bawah akan dibekalkan kepada bayi untuk bekalan hari esok.* Susu yg disimpan dibhgn beku adalah untuk dijadikan stok beku perahan susu ibu. Contohnya: Katakan anak anda 1 hari minum 4 botol susu perahan. Jika satu hari kita berjaya mengumpul 4 botol susu perahan semasa bekerja. Bila pulang ke rumah, simpan 3 botol susu perahan baru di bahagian bawah peti sejuk untuk kegunaan esok hari dan 1 botol lagi ke dalam bahagian beku. Sebagai ganti, keluarkan 1 botol EBM yang bertarikh paling lama dari bahagian beku ke bahagian bawah peti sejuk untuk dicairkan untuk kegunaan esok hari. JANGAN BUAT!! JANGAN BUAT!! * Jangan simpan susu perahan di bahagian pintu peti sejuk kerana suhu di bahagian pintu tidak stabil (kerana kekerapan membuka dan menutup pintu peti sejuk). sebaiknya simpan susu perahan di bahagian paling atas dan paling dalam kerana suhunya lebih stabil.* Jangan penuhkan bekas sehingga ke penutupnya, tinggalkan sedikit ruang untuk membolehkan pengembangan berlaku apabila susu dibekukan
Teknik betul beri SIP(susuibu perahan) oleh pengasuhOleh Masmarissa Ciut · Terakhir di sunting hampir sebulan yang lalu · Edit Doc · PadamSusu ibu adalah makanan bagi bayi dan kerjasama pengasuh amat diperlukan sepanjang 2 tahun tempoh penyusuan.Panduan ini perlu kita berikan kepada pengasuh diharap sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu mengendalikan penyusuan bayi dgn baik. 1.Elakkan memberikan SIP ketika bayi menangis.bayi mungkin hanya memerlukan perhatian pengasuhnya.2.Lihat tanda-tanda bayi mahukan susu seperti kelihatan resah dan mula menghisap jarinya.Berikannya SIP berdasarkan tanda-tanda tersebut dan bukannya mengikut jadual.3.Berikan bayi minum secara menegak dan kepalanya diampu menggunakan tangan dan bukannya lengan.4.Gunakan puting botol susu bersaiz kecil.5.Jangan tolak puting ke dalam mulut bayi tetapi biarkan bayi memasukkannya sendiri ke dlm mulutnya.6.Biarkan bayi berhenti minum dan rehat pada setiap penyusuan. Ini boleh mengelakkan bayi minum terlalu laju.7.Bayi yg akan menentukan bila dia patut berhenti minom. Jangan paksa dia habiskan kesemua SIP yang ada dlm botol.8.Jika bayi kelihatan gelisah,minta pengasuh berikannya sesudu kecil SIP yg ada didlm botol.9.Pada waktu-waktu peralihan bulan (growth spurt) seperti usia bayi 3 bulan dan 6 bulan,lbh byk SIP diperlukan bagi membantu pengasuh mengawal keadaan bayi yg mungkin kerap meragam. Sumber Majalah PA&MA
My breastfeeding journey
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
This is the time when mummies are pampered in so many ways, especially if we’re pregnant with our first child/first grandchild etc. I found that so many mommies are more interested to know what are the most goodlooking stroller / coolest bottle to have instead of finding and saving money for a good pump . buying a good pump is never a waste, for it’s a good investment in the long run, especially if you plan to have many children in the future.
Here are tips for pregnant mommies
1. Go read review on good pumps. Save money to buy a good pump. If you ask me, buy at least a Medela Swing, and of course medela Freestyle is the best. This is especially true for mommies who work as nurses/doctors and mommies who work long, crazy hours and also for mommies who are not willing to wait ( eg manual pumping is time consuming)
2. Buy the pump before you deliver. You never know that you might need it earlier, eg baby sick in ICU and you cannot direct feed him etc. plus if you’re in confinement, it would be a bit difficult to go out etc
3. Not just pumps, breastfeeding also comes with other accessories- bottles, warmer, sterilizer, storage bottles/plastic bag, freezer to keep EBM or even deep freezer. And all these means MONEY. Speaking of storage bottles, please note that you have to change the storage bottles after 6 months, and based from my experience and calculation, it’s cheaper if you store your milk using the disposable plastic breastmilk storage bags- I suggest AUTUMNZ brand as it has double zip lock
4. Be prepared financially. This is crucial because without financial power, we would opt to buy inferior quality stuffs huhu
5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PREPARATION- SELF ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE.TELL OURSELVES THAT WE WILL FULLY BREASTFEED OUR BABY. MY MILK IS ENOUGH FOR MY BABY. I WILL HAVE LOTSSSS OF MILK . some mothers are not confident of herself,and keep saying WHAT IF MY MILK IS NOT ENOUGH. When she said that, she wouldn’t buy the good pump, and she won’t be fully prepared and the tendency to lose the battle to formula milk is higher. Say I WILL FULLY BREASTFEED MY BABY. SO I NEED A GOOD PUMP, STORAGE BOTTLES etc.. I found so many friends who were reluctant to invest in good pump because they’re afraid their milk is insufficient. Guess what? Eventually it’s true, their milk is insufficient because they planted the idea so long before the baby was born. So Formula milk wins :(
6. Go to antenatal class. Get your husband ready to face the labour with you. Let him know that you wish to fully breastfeed your baby. And POW HIM to buy you a good pump hahaha
7. Learn and practice the correct technique to bf your baby. Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL.so if it’s painful, it means you are doing it the incorrect way
8. Tackle issues like- inverted nipple, no nipple etc( putting ke dalam, putting tak keluar etc)- massage the nipple (ms tgh pregnant, bukan ms baby dh lahir) every day.. take 10 cc syringe, cut the front part, and use it to suck the nipple out everyday..preferably start when you’re 6 months pregnant like that. Start early.. kalau ms baby lahir, ms die tgh meraung2 br nak start massage the nipple then you(or your husband/mother/mother in law) might already give your baby formula milk huhu
IN LABOUR- I have separate notes on labor, what to expect and pain relieves available. Go check out my old notes
The moment you hold your baby in your arms, it’s the most beautiful feeling a mummy can feel. It’s more exciting and memorable, even you are not as happy on your wedding day :p so why not give your baby the VERY BEST that you can give.. as I’ve wrote before, (but I’m going to repeat this again), here are some tips after your baby is born
1.direct breastfeed within one hour of life. Okay a friend pointed out that I never mentioned or give tips to mummies underwent c-sect. thanks for your feedback. So, for mummies who have to undergo c-sect, please let your doctor know that you want your baby to latch on within his first hour of life. What is important, is they put the baby to your breast, even for -10 minutes. I understand that mummies who underwent c-section would be weak, nauseated, semi conscious.. but tell your doctor, after baby is born, just put the baby to your breast. Or ask your husband to do so( in private husband is allowed to go into the operating theatre) . why? Because EARLY STIMULATION is crucial
2.DO NOT INTRODUCE BOTTLE BEFORE BABY IS ONE MONTH OLD. No compromise. Once bottle is introduced, baby will reject your nipple. He prefers the bottles. Why? Because babies are smart. . They want easy work. Bottle feeding means less work and effort for them, while direct breastfeeding requires them to use all the muscles, soft palate, in the oral cavity to extract milk from mummies’ breast. Kalau botol, tekan lidah sket je susu dah keluar. That’s why if introduced bottle(even if you put your milk in the bottle) baby will tend to get NIPPLE CONFUSION and reject your nipple thus reject direct breastfeeding. Okay you might say, okay apa, still bagi susu bdn wlupun dlm bottle. But remember, you need baby’s STIMULATION to ensure continous milk production. Ok, dr Zaa, susu saya byk. So saya tak risau, bg jela kot botol? Here is my answer. Yes, your milk is sufficient for your baby, but it’s sufficient FOR NOW. Let’s say today your baby drinks 20 oz of milk a day, and you don’t have any problem pumping that amount. In 4 months time, he might need 40 oz a day and you can only produce 20 oz a day because there’s no direct breastfeeding so the CONTINUOUS STIMULATION is not there. when he needs the 40 oz but you can only pump 20 oz, that's when problems start to arise huhu
3. ESTABLISH BREASTFEEDING FIRST,before you start pumping or start keeping EBM. That’s why I recommend mummies to start pumping for EBM stocks after 2 weeks to 1 month. Even if you’re using freestyle, there’s no use to pump early. Because when baby is born, they don’t need that much milk. Perut diorang sgt kecik, besar kuku ibu jari kita saja. So don’t start pumping, then feel down sbb stok susu tak banyak mcm Dr Zaa punyer penuh freezer ( I have friends who called me late night and saying this) and start telling yourself that my milk is not enough. BECAUSE IT”S ENOUGH for the baby. So, jgn pump sblm 2 weeks-1month after giving birth, unless susu awal2 tu dh tersangat byk then it’s okay. And another thing, sume stok susu mummies yg byk2 penuh peti ais tu , bukannya pump dlm ms 2-3 hari tau hehe
4.when to start collecting EBM? My advice(as I stated earlier) would be 2weeks to 1 month after giving birth. And please note, awal2 pump mmg susu sket, sbbnya anak kan masih direct bf. But don’t give up. Continue to pump and be confident that you will have more than enough milk for your baby :p like myself, I start pumping twice a day, once at 12 midnight, and another time in early morning- 7am. Then I increase the frequency, I add on pumping session at 5 pm..then I make it 4 times a day- 12am, 7am,12pm and 7 pm. Don’t despair if you notice only small amount of milk collected, just keep doing it. Your body will tell your brain that more milk is needed and the amount will increase over time, insya allah
5.EAT HEALTHILY. I cannot stress more on this. Please don’t follow those rigid confinement rules that only allow nasi, ikan kering and lada hitam and 2 gelas air sehari. It’s absurd! You need to eat balanced diet to ensure good supply of milk. Plus without vegetables and fruits, you WILL DEFINITELY GET CONSTIPATION.. sembelit sgt sakit, mcm beranak lagi sekali and kdg2 luka, darah menitik2 huhu.. and it’s okay to try all the food that are known will increase milk production. But to tell you the truth, I never take any supplement or eat special food. I just eat as I like , pantang nampak je hehehe..
6. BEWARE DENGAN WATAK JAHAT DALAM BREASTFEEDING. Bukanlah aku ckp diorang jahat, just diorng ni yg akan mempengaruhi kita utk bg formula milk. It can be your husband, own mother, mother in law, aunties or biras. This is the time when you have to be strong..jangan tunduk kepada tekanan. Because THE MOST CRITICAL PART IS THE FIRST 2 WEEKS, if you manage to fully bf your baby in the first 2 weeks then insya allah after that your breastfeeding journey would be smooth sailing insya allah
7.TRAIN YOUR BABY TO BOTTLEFEED 1 MONTH BEFORE YOU START WORKING. As I wrote earlier, babies are smart. So, don’t bottlefeed your baby yourselves , as they can smell you thus reject the bottle. Ask your husband /maid/mother/sister to bottle feed your child. At first he might reject the bottle, but please don’t give up. Another common question is, what brand of teat my baby would accept?well , no one have the correct answer as babies are all different. My baby might accept MAM but your baby might prefer NUK. Another thing, if you’re using plastic bottles- even BPA free like avent, mam, tommee tippee, please change them every 6 months as after the sixth month, the risk of BPA to be released is there. If you want bottles that do not need to be changed, then opt for glass bottle or stainless steel bottle :p the reason i start stainless steel bottle for my children is because I don’t want to change/buy new bottles every 6 months hehe
8. when you start working and let’s say you have certain amount of EBM stocks, make sure the amount is static or increasing. Maksudnya, katakan ade 80 botol susu dlm freezer, kalau bole jgn bg amount berkurangan langsung. Katakan anak minum kat nursery sehari 20 oz, make sure dpt pump 20 oz jugak on same day, sbb kalau tak, mmg stok susu akan berkurangan..DAN JANGAN MALAS(peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak).katakan ms kerja dpt pump 12 oz je, make sure tgh mlm bangun utk ganti/cover lg 8 oz.. dgn cara ni, br stok akan maintain, and hanya akan guna(tanpa berganti) bila kes2 kecemasan sahaja eg mak makan antibiotic yg takleh bg menyusu anak, or sakit teruk masuk ICU takleh bf anak dll..
1) baby's chin touching mother's breast
2)lower part of areola that's visible is less than the upper part
3)outwards movement of baby's lips, especially lower lip
4) fullness or round baby's cheek
5)sound of baby swallowing
6)baby contented after feeding
6 signs of hunger :
1)increase eye movement
2)open his mouth
3) make soft whimper sounds
4)sucks or chews on hands...
5) move the head or mouth , look for mother’s breast
6) crying- late sign..usually by this time, baby refuses feeding.. need to calm him first
steps to successful BF:
a)baby's body and spine in 1 line
b)well supported
c)baby close to mother
d)baby facing mother
1. deep freezer- can last up to 6 months- deep freezer ni yg mcm beli freezer specific(mcm kat kedai2 letak aiskrim tu)
2.freezer(bhgn atas peti sejuk) – 3 months
3) fridge( bhgn bwh peti sejuk- tp rak atas skali tau, bukan bwh skali kt tmpt sayur2 tuh)- 1 week
4) room temperature- 4-6 hours
5)please label your milk- with date and time and name( name ni kalau anak duduk nursery, kang tak psl2 tertukar susu dgn baby lain)
5) first to go in, first to go out – guna susu yg bertarikh paling lama dahulu
How to defrost the milk??
The easiest way is to bring down milk from freezer compartment to fridge 12-24 hours before you give your milk to your baby.. eg , contoh esok nk keje, mlm ni bawa turun siap2 susu dr freezer ke bhgn bwh fridge utk cairkan die.. so that ms baby nak minum, susu dh cair elok dh, just tinggal nak panaskan saja..another option is to put the frozen milk in warm water- but it will take forever to defrost huhu
Can I put my frozen milk into microwave oven to defrost it?
Can I put my frozen milk that has melted back into the freezer??
NO!!!once you bring it out (either to room temperature or to fridge-lower compartment) there is NO WAY that you can put it back in the freezer
Tips: few weeks before going back to work, please teach and inform the baby sitter/ carer and your family members regarding these rules.. my own experience, I have to explain it few times to my husband, mom , kak won and my siblings before they can fully understand how it works.. so please be patient ;p
My personal tip- the morning before you go to work, pump and put the milk in the bottle siap2. So that dh ade fresh milk yg tak payah letak dlm warmer dah. Then the remaining bottles( susu dah cair sbb dh bw turun ke bhgn bwh fridge) , just tell the babysitter/nursery worker/maid guna yg tu saja. If your baby is taken care by maid/nenek/nenek sedara/makcik at home, bw turun jugak frozen milk ke bhgn bwh fridge..and bgtau suruh guna yg tu saja.. jgn bg nenek yg rabun terkial2 cari nak amik botol mana dlm deep freezer..silap2 die bagi formula milk ‘kan aku dah ckp, bancuh susu tepung lg senang ‘ hahaha
I have received many personal messages(especially from my juniors who just started housemanship) , asking me how to find allocated, comfortable times to pump. The truth is, I don’t have the answer. This is the reason that I think medical personnel need at least medela swing or even better medela freestyle for they work long and crazy hours huhu..Why? Things that we think are easy, it’s actually easy to implement. Do not make breastfeeding complicated and difficult. One of the way is by choosing an efficient and mobile pump :p if, let’s say you choose a manual pump which takes 30 minutes to empty both breasts, then if you’re busy or your job is stressful and demanding, the verdict is you might give in, skip few pumping sessions, or skip all the sessions, your milk pumped at work is not enough and then the cycle begins huhu.. make it easy and quick,so choose a good pump.
Tips for doctors/nurses who work shift/in emergency department..
-when I was in emergency department, I tried my best to pump every 2,3 hours. How did I do it? I pumped everytime I went for my prayer :p ok, katakana shift pg, 8 am- 4pm. So pump kul 745 am(sblm start keja), then lari jap kul 11 am, then ms solat zuhur kul 145 pm, then after abis shift kul 4pm, pump lg. shift ptg 2pm-10pm. Pump kul 145pm ms zuhur, then asar at 5pm, then magrib at 730 pm then lps abis shift at 10 pm. That’s the reason YOU NEED AN EFFICIENT PUMP. Katakan solat 5 minit, pump 5-10 minit( ni ngn freestyle),so takdela lama sgt.. colleague pun tak bising sgt.. tp kalau pump ngn tgn or manual, katakana sekali pump 30-45 minit, then mmg la specialist bising sbb HO/MO ilang..or sister mengamuk, sbb staff nurses sume duk mengepam lama sangat..hihi.. I just give my examples on how to find times to ensure that breasts are emptied as they should be. We work in different areas/field, so you have to find the time that suits you.
Tips for mothers who work 8am-5pm/ doctors and nurses in KK
Yang ni senang sket sbb slalunya takde rushing2/emergency… so bolehla ade masa terntentu nk pump. Maybe once at 745am(sblm start keja) then again at 1030/11am.. then during lunch time ms zuhur ( kurangkan bersembang, lebihkan mengepam haha) and lg skali ms solat asar sblm balik.so dpt la pump 2,3 jam skali kan?? :p
Tips for mothers who work 36 hours straight eg oncall
Actually this depends on your luck, whether you’re jonah or not hahaha.. and also your rotation, certain rotation they would have oncall round with specialists at certain times etc, so you have to find your time to pump. Whatever it is, try to pump for every 2,3 hours.. I know it’s difficult, I myself skipped so many pumping sessions when I was oncall huhu.. that’s the reason it’s good to have large amount of EBM stocks, sbb ms2 oncall jonah ni la susu makin sket, dhla tk smpt pump..
My own experience, when I did paediatrics rotation, that’s when my milk production reduced tremendously huhu.. one time I took 5 days leave just to restock my EBM,and there were times when my stock are just enough, cukup2 je..so when I was oncall, Anas has to come to my ward to take EBM of the day to feed Aryan for the next day. Yes, it’s challenging, yes it’s tough, yes it’s TIRING but when you look at your baby and you know he’s getting the best, you are willing to do everything- safrifice your 2,3 hours sleep just to pump/ decide to pump when you are supposed to rest for you never know when is the next new case/patient coming.. during my housemanship days, I was lucky as my family members really gave me strong moral and emotional support and I cannot thank them enough. And I’m glad that the fact that a busy doctor like myself managed to fully bf my son (at that time) really inspired my family members and friends who work half day(eg teachers) or those who work office hours to challenge themselves to fully bf their babies. So many times I feel like giving up, but I always tell myself, if I think my situation is difficult, there are so many mothers who are facing heavier challenges than myself- eg baby lives far away,eg 200km away, baby is sick in ICU for months, or having terminally ill child, so that way I felt more grateful..
another thing that kept me going was the fact I lack the TIME SPENT WITH MY SON- eg oncall 2,3 times a week, up to an extent a family member came and visiting and she didn’t see me for 2 days- and said this to my face, that I will never forget ‘ kesian Aryan, 2hari tak jmpa mak dia, tuhla mak die sibuk kerja.. sbbtu dia asyik nangis je, sbb die LAPAR MAK’ . I was postcall, sleep-deprived and a makcik said that to my face, I have to admit what she said was TOTALLY TRUE but IT HURT big time and I really wanted to cry. And then my mom and cousin mencelah ‘takpelah ,at least Yah dah tinggalkan satu peti ais susu badan yg TERBAIK.. sesetengah housewife pun tak mampu bg susu badan kat anak dia’ I know they said that just utk sedapkan hati aku, but from that moment, I was really determined to bf my son because I owe him my quality time , eventhough I know fully bf him is not the same as spending time with him. And Allah made my breastfeeding journey easy Alhamdulillah :p
I hope that whatever knowledge and experience that I share here are not misinterpreted. Siapa2 tak puas hati, aik kau baca sampai abis jugak notes ni yer?haha..kalau kau rasa aku perasan bagus, well guess what? memang aku bagus pun hahahaha..anyway, sharing is caring.. lagi satu, jgn malu2 nak tanye soalan regarding bf/ or just to talk to me, I accept calls/sms even at 2am hehe.. because I know some of my friends segan2. Hey I’m still the Zaahirah that you used to know before. Aku lg upset kalau kawan2 gagal bf sbb malu nak consult/takut ganggu.. if I’m busy, I wont pick up my phone or i might reply your messages late, but I’ll try my best to share my knowledge regarding breastfeeding.
Last but not least, say YES to breastfeeding :P
..copy paste from
This is the time when mummies are pampered in so many ways, especially if we’re pregnant with our first child/first grandchild etc. I found that so many mommies are more interested to know what are the most goodlooking stroller / coolest bottle to have instead of finding and saving money for a good pump . buying a good pump is never a waste, for it’s a good investment in the long run, especially if you plan to have many children in the future.
Here are tips for pregnant mommies
1. Go read review on good pumps. Save money to buy a good pump. If you ask me, buy at least a Medela Swing, and of course medela Freestyle is the best. This is especially true for mommies who work as nurses/doctors and mommies who work long, crazy hours and also for mommies who are not willing to wait ( eg manual pumping is time consuming)
2. Buy the pump before you deliver. You never know that you might need it earlier, eg baby sick in ICU and you cannot direct feed him etc. plus if you’re in confinement, it would be a bit difficult to go out etc
3. Not just pumps, breastfeeding also comes with other accessories- bottles, warmer, sterilizer, storage bottles/plastic bag, freezer to keep EBM or even deep freezer. And all these means MONEY. Speaking of storage bottles, please note that you have to change the storage bottles after 6 months, and based from my experience and calculation, it’s cheaper if you store your milk using the disposable plastic breastmilk storage bags- I suggest AUTUMNZ brand as it has double zip lock
4. Be prepared financially. This is crucial because without financial power, we would opt to buy inferior quality stuffs huhu
5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PREPARATION- SELF ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE.TELL OURSELVES THAT WE WILL FULLY BREASTFEED OUR BABY. MY MILK IS ENOUGH FOR MY BABY. I WILL HAVE LOTSSSS OF MILK . some mothers are not confident of herself,and keep saying WHAT IF MY MILK IS NOT ENOUGH. When she said that, she wouldn’t buy the good pump, and she won’t be fully prepared and the tendency to lose the battle to formula milk is higher. Say I WILL FULLY BREASTFEED MY BABY. SO I NEED A GOOD PUMP, STORAGE BOTTLES etc.. I found so many friends who were reluctant to invest in good pump because they’re afraid their milk is insufficient. Guess what? Eventually it’s true, their milk is insufficient because they planted the idea so long before the baby was born. So Formula milk wins :(
6. Go to antenatal class. Get your husband ready to face the labour with you. Let him know that you wish to fully breastfeed your baby. And POW HIM to buy you a good pump hahaha
7. Learn and practice the correct technique to bf your baby. Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL.so if it’s painful, it means you are doing it the incorrect way
8. Tackle issues like- inverted nipple, no nipple etc( putting ke dalam, putting tak keluar etc)- massage the nipple (ms tgh pregnant, bukan ms baby dh lahir) every day.. take 10 cc syringe, cut the front part, and use it to suck the nipple out everyday..preferably start when you’re 6 months pregnant like that. Start early.. kalau ms baby lahir, ms die tgh meraung2 br nak start massage the nipple then you(or your husband/mother/mother in law) might already give your baby formula milk huhu
IN LABOUR- I have separate notes on labor, what to expect and pain relieves available. Go check out my old notes
The moment you hold your baby in your arms, it’s the most beautiful feeling a mummy can feel. It’s more exciting and memorable, even you are not as happy on your wedding day :p so why not give your baby the VERY BEST that you can give.. as I’ve wrote before, (but I’m going to repeat this again), here are some tips after your baby is born
1.direct breastfeed within one hour of life. Okay a friend pointed out that I never mentioned or give tips to mummies underwent c-sect. thanks for your feedback. So, for mummies who have to undergo c-sect, please let your doctor know that you want your baby to latch on within his first hour of life. What is important, is they put the baby to your breast, even for -10 minutes. I understand that mummies who underwent c-section would be weak, nauseated, semi conscious.. but tell your doctor, after baby is born, just put the baby to your breast. Or ask your husband to do so( in private husband is allowed to go into the operating theatre) . why? Because EARLY STIMULATION is crucial
2.DO NOT INTRODUCE BOTTLE BEFORE BABY IS ONE MONTH OLD. No compromise. Once bottle is introduced, baby will reject your nipple. He prefers the bottles. Why? Because babies are smart. . They want easy work. Bottle feeding means less work and effort for them, while direct breastfeeding requires them to use all the muscles, soft palate, in the oral cavity to extract milk from mummies’ breast. Kalau botol, tekan lidah sket je susu dah keluar. That’s why if introduced bottle(even if you put your milk in the bottle) baby will tend to get NIPPLE CONFUSION and reject your nipple thus reject direct breastfeeding. Okay you might say, okay apa, still bagi susu bdn wlupun dlm bottle. But remember, you need baby’s STIMULATION to ensure continous milk production. Ok, dr Zaa, susu saya byk. So saya tak risau, bg jela kot botol? Here is my answer. Yes, your milk is sufficient for your baby, but it’s sufficient FOR NOW. Let’s say today your baby drinks 20 oz of milk a day, and you don’t have any problem pumping that amount. In 4 months time, he might need 40 oz a day and you can only produce 20 oz a day because there’s no direct breastfeeding so the CONTINUOUS STIMULATION is not there. when he needs the 40 oz but you can only pump 20 oz, that's when problems start to arise huhu
3. ESTABLISH BREASTFEEDING FIRST,before you start pumping or start keeping EBM. That’s why I recommend mummies to start pumping for EBM stocks after 2 weeks to 1 month. Even if you’re using freestyle, there’s no use to pump early. Because when baby is born, they don’t need that much milk. Perut diorang sgt kecik, besar kuku ibu jari kita saja. So don’t start pumping, then feel down sbb stok susu tak banyak mcm Dr Zaa punyer penuh freezer ( I have friends who called me late night and saying this) and start telling yourself that my milk is not enough. BECAUSE IT”S ENOUGH for the baby. So, jgn pump sblm 2 weeks-1month after giving birth, unless susu awal2 tu dh tersangat byk then it’s okay. And another thing, sume stok susu mummies yg byk2 penuh peti ais tu , bukannya pump dlm ms 2-3 hari tau hehe
4.when to start collecting EBM? My advice(as I stated earlier) would be 2weeks to 1 month after giving birth. And please note, awal2 pump mmg susu sket, sbbnya anak kan masih direct bf. But don’t give up. Continue to pump and be confident that you will have more than enough milk for your baby :p like myself, I start pumping twice a day, once at 12 midnight, and another time in early morning- 7am. Then I increase the frequency, I add on pumping session at 5 pm..then I make it 4 times a day- 12am, 7am,12pm and 7 pm. Don’t despair if you notice only small amount of milk collected, just keep doing it. Your body will tell your brain that more milk is needed and the amount will increase over time, insya allah
5.EAT HEALTHILY. I cannot stress more on this. Please don’t follow those rigid confinement rules that only allow nasi, ikan kering and lada hitam and 2 gelas air sehari. It’s absurd! You need to eat balanced diet to ensure good supply of milk. Plus without vegetables and fruits, you WILL DEFINITELY GET CONSTIPATION.. sembelit sgt sakit, mcm beranak lagi sekali and kdg2 luka, darah menitik2 huhu.. and it’s okay to try all the food that are known will increase milk production. But to tell you the truth, I never take any supplement or eat special food. I just eat as I like , pantang nampak je hehehe..
6. BEWARE DENGAN WATAK JAHAT DALAM BREASTFEEDING. Bukanlah aku ckp diorang jahat, just diorng ni yg akan mempengaruhi kita utk bg formula milk. It can be your husband, own mother, mother in law, aunties or biras. This is the time when you have to be strong..jangan tunduk kepada tekanan. Because THE MOST CRITICAL PART IS THE FIRST 2 WEEKS, if you manage to fully bf your baby in the first 2 weeks then insya allah after that your breastfeeding journey would be smooth sailing insya allah
7.TRAIN YOUR BABY TO BOTTLEFEED 1 MONTH BEFORE YOU START WORKING. As I wrote earlier, babies are smart. So, don’t bottlefeed your baby yourselves , as they can smell you thus reject the bottle. Ask your husband /maid/mother/sister to bottle feed your child. At first he might reject the bottle, but please don’t give up. Another common question is, what brand of teat my baby would accept?well , no one have the correct answer as babies are all different. My baby might accept MAM but your baby might prefer NUK. Another thing, if you’re using plastic bottles- even BPA free like avent, mam, tommee tippee, please change them every 6 months as after the sixth month, the risk of BPA to be released is there. If you want bottles that do not need to be changed, then opt for glass bottle or stainless steel bottle :p the reason i start stainless steel bottle for my children is because I don’t want to change/buy new bottles every 6 months hehe
8. when you start working and let’s say you have certain amount of EBM stocks, make sure the amount is static or increasing. Maksudnya, katakan ade 80 botol susu dlm freezer, kalau bole jgn bg amount berkurangan langsung. Katakan anak minum kat nursery sehari 20 oz, make sure dpt pump 20 oz jugak on same day, sbb kalau tak, mmg stok susu akan berkurangan..DAN JANGAN MALAS(peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak).katakan ms kerja dpt pump 12 oz je, make sure tgh mlm bangun utk ganti/cover lg 8 oz.. dgn cara ni, br stok akan maintain, and hanya akan guna(tanpa berganti) bila kes2 kecemasan sahaja eg mak makan antibiotic yg takleh bg menyusu anak, or sakit teruk masuk ICU takleh bf anak dll..
1) baby's chin touching mother's breast
2)lower part of areola that's visible is less than the upper part
3)outwards movement of baby's lips, especially lower lip
4) fullness or round baby's cheek
5)sound of baby swallowing
6)baby contented after feeding
6 signs of hunger :
1)increase eye movement
2)open his mouth
3) make soft whimper sounds
4)sucks or chews on hands...
5) move the head or mouth , look for mother’s breast
6) crying- late sign..usually by this time, baby refuses feeding.. need to calm him first
steps to successful BF:
a)baby's body and spine in 1 line
b)well supported
c)baby close to mother
d)baby facing mother
1. deep freezer- can last up to 6 months- deep freezer ni yg mcm beli freezer specific(mcm kat kedai2 letak aiskrim tu)
2.freezer(bhgn atas peti sejuk) – 3 months
3) fridge( bhgn bwh peti sejuk- tp rak atas skali tau, bukan bwh skali kt tmpt sayur2 tuh)- 1 week
4) room temperature- 4-6 hours
5)please label your milk- with date and time and name( name ni kalau anak duduk nursery, kang tak psl2 tertukar susu dgn baby lain)
5) first to go in, first to go out – guna susu yg bertarikh paling lama dahulu
How to defrost the milk??
The easiest way is to bring down milk from freezer compartment to fridge 12-24 hours before you give your milk to your baby.. eg , contoh esok nk keje, mlm ni bawa turun siap2 susu dr freezer ke bhgn bwh fridge utk cairkan die.. so that ms baby nak minum, susu dh cair elok dh, just tinggal nak panaskan saja..another option is to put the frozen milk in warm water- but it will take forever to defrost huhu
Can I put my frozen milk into microwave oven to defrost it?
Can I put my frozen milk that has melted back into the freezer??
NO!!!once you bring it out (either to room temperature or to fridge-lower compartment) there is NO WAY that you can put it back in the freezer
Tips: few weeks before going back to work, please teach and inform the baby sitter/ carer and your family members regarding these rules.. my own experience, I have to explain it few times to my husband, mom , kak won and my siblings before they can fully understand how it works.. so please be patient ;p
My personal tip- the morning before you go to work, pump and put the milk in the bottle siap2. So that dh ade fresh milk yg tak payah letak dlm warmer dah. Then the remaining bottles( susu dah cair sbb dh bw turun ke bhgn bwh fridge) , just tell the babysitter/nursery worker/maid guna yg tu saja. If your baby is taken care by maid/nenek/nenek sedara/makcik at home, bw turun jugak frozen milk ke bhgn bwh fridge..and bgtau suruh guna yg tu saja.. jgn bg nenek yg rabun terkial2 cari nak amik botol mana dlm deep freezer..silap2 die bagi formula milk ‘kan aku dah ckp, bancuh susu tepung lg senang ‘ hahaha
I have received many personal messages(especially from my juniors who just started housemanship) , asking me how to find allocated, comfortable times to pump. The truth is, I don’t have the answer. This is the reason that I think medical personnel need at least medela swing or even better medela freestyle for they work long and crazy hours huhu..Why? Things that we think are easy, it’s actually easy to implement. Do not make breastfeeding complicated and difficult. One of the way is by choosing an efficient and mobile pump :p if, let’s say you choose a manual pump which takes 30 minutes to empty both breasts, then if you’re busy or your job is stressful and demanding, the verdict is you might give in, skip few pumping sessions, or skip all the sessions, your milk pumped at work is not enough and then the cycle begins huhu.. make it easy and quick,so choose a good pump.
Tips for doctors/nurses who work shift/in emergency department..
-when I was in emergency department, I tried my best to pump every 2,3 hours. How did I do it? I pumped everytime I went for my prayer :p ok, katakana shift pg, 8 am- 4pm. So pump kul 745 am(sblm start keja), then lari jap kul 11 am, then ms solat zuhur kul 145 pm, then after abis shift kul 4pm, pump lg. shift ptg 2pm-10pm. Pump kul 145pm ms zuhur, then asar at 5pm, then magrib at 730 pm then lps abis shift at 10 pm. That’s the reason YOU NEED AN EFFICIENT PUMP. Katakan solat 5 minit, pump 5-10 minit( ni ngn freestyle),so takdela lama sgt.. colleague pun tak bising sgt.. tp kalau pump ngn tgn or manual, katakana sekali pump 30-45 minit, then mmg la specialist bising sbb HO/MO ilang..or sister mengamuk, sbb staff nurses sume duk mengepam lama sangat..hihi.. I just give my examples on how to find times to ensure that breasts are emptied as they should be. We work in different areas/field, so you have to find the time that suits you.
Tips for mothers who work 8am-5pm/ doctors and nurses in KK
Yang ni senang sket sbb slalunya takde rushing2/emergency… so bolehla ade masa terntentu nk pump. Maybe once at 745am(sblm start keja) then again at 1030/11am.. then during lunch time ms zuhur ( kurangkan bersembang, lebihkan mengepam haha) and lg skali ms solat asar sblm balik.so dpt la pump 2,3 jam skali kan?? :p
Tips for mothers who work 36 hours straight eg oncall
Actually this depends on your luck, whether you’re jonah or not hahaha.. and also your rotation, certain rotation they would have oncall round with specialists at certain times etc, so you have to find your time to pump. Whatever it is, try to pump for every 2,3 hours.. I know it’s difficult, I myself skipped so many pumping sessions when I was oncall huhu.. that’s the reason it’s good to have large amount of EBM stocks, sbb ms2 oncall jonah ni la susu makin sket, dhla tk smpt pump..
My own experience, when I did paediatrics rotation, that’s when my milk production reduced tremendously huhu.. one time I took 5 days leave just to restock my EBM,and there were times when my stock are just enough, cukup2 je..so when I was oncall, Anas has to come to my ward to take EBM of the day to feed Aryan for the next day. Yes, it’s challenging, yes it’s tough, yes it’s TIRING but when you look at your baby and you know he’s getting the best, you are willing to do everything- safrifice your 2,3 hours sleep just to pump/ decide to pump when you are supposed to rest for you never know when is the next new case/patient coming.. during my housemanship days, I was lucky as my family members really gave me strong moral and emotional support and I cannot thank them enough. And I’m glad that the fact that a busy doctor like myself managed to fully bf my son (at that time) really inspired my family members and friends who work half day(eg teachers) or those who work office hours to challenge themselves to fully bf their babies. So many times I feel like giving up, but I always tell myself, if I think my situation is difficult, there are so many mothers who are facing heavier challenges than myself- eg baby lives far away,eg 200km away, baby is sick in ICU for months, or having terminally ill child, so that way I felt more grateful..
another thing that kept me going was the fact I lack the TIME SPENT WITH MY SON- eg oncall 2,3 times a week, up to an extent a family member came and visiting and she didn’t see me for 2 days- and said this to my face, that I will never forget ‘ kesian Aryan, 2hari tak jmpa mak dia, tuhla mak die sibuk kerja.. sbbtu dia asyik nangis je, sbb die LAPAR MAK’ . I was postcall, sleep-deprived and a makcik said that to my face, I have to admit what she said was TOTALLY TRUE but IT HURT big time and I really wanted to cry. And then my mom and cousin mencelah ‘takpelah ,at least Yah dah tinggalkan satu peti ais susu badan yg TERBAIK.. sesetengah housewife pun tak mampu bg susu badan kat anak dia’ I know they said that just utk sedapkan hati aku, but from that moment, I was really determined to bf my son because I owe him my quality time , eventhough I know fully bf him is not the same as spending time with him. And Allah made my breastfeeding journey easy Alhamdulillah :p
I hope that whatever knowledge and experience that I share here are not misinterpreted. Siapa2 tak puas hati, aik kau baca sampai abis jugak notes ni yer?haha..kalau kau rasa aku perasan bagus, well guess what? memang aku bagus pun hahahaha..anyway, sharing is caring.. lagi satu, jgn malu2 nak tanye soalan regarding bf/ or just to talk to me, I accept calls/sms even at 2am hehe.. because I know some of my friends segan2. Hey I’m still the Zaahirah that you used to know before. Aku lg upset kalau kawan2 gagal bf sbb malu nak consult/takut ganggu.. if I’m busy, I wont pick up my phone or i might reply your messages late, but I’ll try my best to share my knowledge regarding breastfeeding.
Last but not least, say YES to breastfeeding :P
..copy paste from
Friday, February 10, 2012
Alhamdullilah~doaku dimakbulkan Allah
Syukur..syukur. interview hari tu berjaya. baru kejap HR company baru tu call. and besok kene gi hospital pantai for medical check up. ermm..tp offer letter lom ready and x tgk pon camne dia offer. alih2 sok gi medical check up. xpe la..ikut je la. nanti klu mcm x best je offer leh je reject kan. tp nak..nak sgt masuk company ini..and nak capai target for this year. hopefully sume berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan Allah ..amin.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Jalan-jalan ke pantai timur
Sempena cuti maulidur rasul and thaipusam..(so dpt cuti lama 4 hari), kitorg ke pantai timur kuantan and kuala terengganu. hehe..tp x sampai ke klantan, sbb xde dlm schedule pon haha. sebenarnye percutian ni dah dirancang awal thn lg. lepas je tgk calendar 2012..punya excited tgk feb ada 4 hari cuti panjang. so bincang2 ngan family, semua setuju utk gi jln2 ke pantai timur plak. sbb slalu asyik gi cameron je kan. and this is 1st time baby damia gi vacation :). kami bertolak sabtu tu seawal 9 pagi..sebenarnye dlm plan kena bertolak kul 8..tp almaklomla dgn anak kecik sume..x dan. heheh. sampai kuantan dlm pukul 2 ptg. kami menginap di batu hitam homestay pok nik. betul2 tepi pantai rumah kami ni. best tgk ombak tp sgt besar ombaknye..so xleh la mandi manda. mlm nye kami buat barbeque..hasil tangkapan ikan2 di tepi jalan. sgt2 fresh..hehe.
besoknye kami bertolak ke kuala terengganu..singgah menyinggah so sampai ke homestay perdana dlm pukul 4 ptg. hahaha..penat sungguh. lepas mandi solat sume. kami keluar mencari restaurant for dinner. besoknye baru la ke pasar payang, masjid kristal and pantai2. hari selasa pg2 lg kami dah bertolak blk. tp x terus pulang..kami menyinggah2 ke masjid terapung, and tempat2 lain.
Penat sgt percutian kali ni..tp sgt2 bermakna and menyeronokkkan...so next vacation will be continue to kelantan..when? entah la maybe end of year sbb ramai lg nak join.. :)

besoknye kami bertolak ke kuala terengganu..singgah menyinggah so sampai ke homestay perdana dlm pukul 4 ptg. hahaha..penat sungguh. lepas mandi solat sume. kami keluar mencari restaurant for dinner. besoknye baru la ke pasar payang, masjid kristal and pantai2. hari selasa pg2 lg kami dah bertolak blk. tp x terus pulang..kami menyinggah2 ke masjid terapung, and tempat2 lain.
Penat sgt percutian kali ni..tp sgt2 bermakna and menyeronokkkan...so next vacation will be continue to kelantan..when? entah la maybe end of year sbb ramai lg nak join.. :)
Damia ~ 4 months old
5 Feb 2012 - Damia dah masuk 4 bulan. ermm..berat blom timbang lg since x sempat lg gi klinik. Skrang damia dah pandai senyum and main2. terkekeh2 gelak klu kena agah..hehe. tp still the same, xmo pusing, golek2 and belum boleh meniarap. Damia ni mcm segan silu skit, hehe..maklom la baby gurl kot. klu letak dia terlentang..dia akan tgk je kita main2 ngan dia. cuma klu dia nak susu baru dia golek2 geram kiri kanan utk cari ape2 yg leh masuk mulut...hehe. tp bila letak dia dlm keadaan meniarap boleh plak dia angkat kepala and meniarap sume. aduhai..xpe la. ibu tetap akan tunggu sampai damia leh meniarap and pusing sendiri ok. i luv u sayang.

Kegemaran damia sekarang is masukkan jari and kekadang satu penumbuk ke mulut..hehehe.

And sempena damia 4 bulan ni, ibu beli new toys for her. sbb sejak lahir asyik pakai sume brg2 abg adam je, dari baby cot, stroller, baby car seat..toys2. sume la bekas2 abg adam. cuma baju2 yg pinky2 tu je and baru utk damia. so ibu pon rasa un fair la tuk anak ibu sorg ni kan, ibu pon hadiahkan la baby sit up blossom ni utk puteri ibu ni ye. :)
Kegemaran damia sekarang is masukkan jari and kekadang satu penumbuk ke mulut..hehehe.
And sempena damia 4 bulan ni, ibu beli new toys for her. sbb sejak lahir asyik pakai sume brg2 abg adam je, dari baby cot, stroller, baby car seat..toys2. sume la bekas2 abg adam. cuma baju2 yg pinky2 tu je and baru utk damia. so ibu pon rasa un fair la tuk anak ibu sorg ni kan, ibu pon hadiahkan la baby sit up blossom ni utk puteri ibu ni ye. :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Sejak mlm kemarin diarhea telah melanda diriku. bukan setakat cirit birit yg mcm air. perut pon sakit mencucuk2 yg x tertahan. risau sgt baby kiut miutku turut mengalami nye sbb dia fully menyusu. tp alhamdullilah, sbb x nampak pon tanda2 dia sakit perut. pg smlm seawal 9 pg aku dah telefon abg utk blk semula dan bwk aku ke klinik. nasib baik la smlm abg gi ofis bukan sbb keje tp sbb sambutan CNY yg diakan kat ofis. siap ada tarian singa naga bagai hehhe. so abg bwk adam skali sbb saja nak tunjuk adam celebration CNY. sume staf dia pon bwk anak bini masing2, cuma aku memang dah ckp awal2 xmo join sbb malas nak bwk baby damia dlm sesak2 nanti :). sambung blk..citer diarhea, masa kat klinik doc trus bagi injection padaku dan ubat. so aku pon mc la smlm. tido je sbb terlalu letih and perut plak memulas2 and berbunyi2. makan x lalu. mlm td baru mkn nasi skit. alhamdullilah pg ni mcm dah fully recover from diarhea. badan pon dah bertenaga skit. and trus telan 2 biji vitamin c shaklee utk tenaga..hahah. sebenarnye nak bg skit vitamin kat damia..sbb selsema dia mcm lom baik lg ni.
Naluri keibuanku diduga lagi
Cerita sedey padan cuti CNY. sehari sblm kami ingin bertolak balik penang, damia menunjukkan tanda2 demam..cepat2 aku bg mkn ubat and tuam dgn tuala panas. so ptg jumaat tu dah mcm ok. so xde la nak bwk dia jumpa doc. tp mlm nye panasnye semakin panas, dlm pukul 2 pagi sy dan suami bergilir menuam tuala panas di badan our lil daughter ni. hajat and plan nye kami ingin bertolak blk penang seawal selepas solat subuh. tp memandangkan badan damia still panas and ada batuk2 pulak. so kami pun tunggu la pagi sikit sebb nak bwk damia keklinik before bertolak blk. so dlm kul 10pg sabtu kami terus ke klinik dan selepas ambil ubat bagai, breakfast kejap kat kfc puchong..then trus meneruskan perjalanan blk kg penang. masuk je highway ke rawang, mak aiii..jem..jem. aduh risaunye hati. dah la damia x sehat. so abg decide nak kuar jln lama. so lepas rawang..ada exit bukit beruntung kot..so kami pon keluar menyusuri jalan lama. tp kami keluar blk ke highway sbb nampak mcm highway dah ok..so kami keluar exit behrang. naik skit rupa2 nye kat slim river jem blk..uwaaaaa. tp kami x masuk dah jln lama..beratur la dgn sabar meredahi jem2 ni. sampai penang dlm kul 7 ptg..means dekat nak 10 jam kami di atas jln raya. penatnye. mandi2 and trus makan nasi sbb td x sempat nak singgah mana2 R&R sebb semuanye penuh. lepas mkn kami lihat keadaan damia makin teruk, batuk nye makin kencang..demam makin panas. bunyi pernafasan dah lain mcm. so mak mertua suruh bwk hospital, so sepantas kilat la kami bwk damia ke KPJ kat bandar perda tu. sampai2 je..doc check demam damia 39celcius..kahak byk and pernafasan a bit susah. so doc kata admit since baby baru 3 bulan and this amat berbahaya.
masa kat dlm wad kanak2, doc pakar kanak2..cucuk damia utk ambil sample darah..ciannye, sbb baby kecik so x nampak la uratnye. and tambah pulak tgn damia sejuk sbb demam..doc pulak masukkan ubat demam melalui bontot. then damia masuk wad. dlm pukul 2 pagi, aku terjaga sbb dgr nafas damia yg ganjil, dan masa tu gak ada sorg nurse ni dtg menjenguk. dia tanya "ok ke kak". aku pon jwb "entah la nurse, bunyi nafas baby lain mcm je ni". nurse pun dtg, then panggil sorg lg nurse dgn bwk ubat gas. so damia diberi gas selang 2 jam. kedua2 nurse td nampak worried sgt dgn penafasan baby, diorg x tgl lansung baby, diorg duduk je dekat sebelah baby. hati ku berdebar2, nak tanya tp takut..takut dan bercelaru otak. nak call suami masa tu la hp abis batery. aduh..allah sahaja yg tau perasaan ku masa tu. x putus2 aku berdoa moga allah selamatkan babyku. x sanggup aku kalau ape2 berlaku masa tu. alhamdullilah dlm pukul 6 pagi sebaik lepas azan subuh..baby menunjukkan riaksi beransur pulih, nafasnye xde bunyi dah. and dua2 nurse td pon keluar dan ckp sumenye ok kak. alhamdullilah..rupanye baby damia strugle utk bernafas mlm td dan allah mendengar rintihan ku..
baby damia kena tahan wad dlm 3 hari. doc nak pastikan dia betul2 sembuh. kerongkong nye pon bengkak so kena tunggu surut dulu. doc x bg sedut kahak sbb akan membuatkan kerongkong surut dgn mengejut dan ini merbahaya utk baby. so ubat gas sahaja la yg jln terbaik. so hari selasa damia discharge. sehari je kami tido dirumah mertua..rabu dah pulang ke kl. nasib baik jln x jem masa blk.

masa kat dlm wad kanak2, doc pakar kanak2..cucuk damia utk ambil sample darah..ciannye, sbb baby kecik so x nampak la uratnye. and tambah pulak tgn damia sejuk sbb demam..doc pulak masukkan ubat demam melalui bontot. then damia masuk wad. dlm pukul 2 pagi, aku terjaga sbb dgr nafas damia yg ganjil, dan masa tu gak ada sorg nurse ni dtg menjenguk. dia tanya "ok ke kak". aku pon jwb "entah la nurse, bunyi nafas baby lain mcm je ni". nurse pun dtg, then panggil sorg lg nurse dgn bwk ubat gas. so damia diberi gas selang 2 jam. kedua2 nurse td nampak worried sgt dgn penafasan baby, diorg x tgl lansung baby, diorg duduk je dekat sebelah baby. hati ku berdebar2, nak tanya tp takut..takut dan bercelaru otak. nak call suami masa tu la hp abis batery. aduh..allah sahaja yg tau perasaan ku masa tu. x putus2 aku berdoa moga allah selamatkan babyku. x sanggup aku kalau ape2 berlaku masa tu. alhamdullilah dlm pukul 6 pagi sebaik lepas azan subuh..baby menunjukkan riaksi beransur pulih, nafasnye xde bunyi dah. and dua2 nurse td pon keluar dan ckp sumenye ok kak. alhamdullilah..rupanye baby damia strugle utk bernafas mlm td dan allah mendengar rintihan ku..
baby damia kena tahan wad dlm 3 hari. doc nak pastikan dia betul2 sembuh. kerongkong nye pon bengkak so kena tunggu surut dulu. doc x bg sedut kahak sbb akan membuatkan kerongkong surut dgn mengejut dan ini merbahaya utk baby. so ubat gas sahaja la yg jln terbaik. so hari selasa damia discharge. sehari je kami tido dirumah mertua..rabu dah pulang ke kl. nasib baik jln x jem masa blk.

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